Source code for clom.command

    # Try to use decorator module as it gives better introspection of
    # decorated me
    from decorator import decorator
except ImportError:
    # No decorator package available. Create a no-op "decorator".
    def decorator(f):
        def decorate(_func):
            def inner(*args, **kwargs):
                return f(_func, *args, **kwargs)
            return inner
        return decorate

from clom import arg
from import Shell
from clom._compat import string_types, integer_types, PY3

__all__ = [

def _makes_clone(_func, *args, **kw):
    A decorator that returns a clone of the current clom object.
    self = args[0]._clone()
    _func(self, *args[1:], **kw)
    return self

[docs]class Operation(object): """ Base class for all command line operations, functions, commands, etc. """ def __init__(self): self._pipe_to = [] self._redirects = {} self._env = {} self._background = False self._shell = None if PY3: self._encoding = 'UTF-8' else: self._encoding = None @_makes_clone def background(self): """ Run the command in the background and don't block for output. .. seealso:: :: >>> 'nohup ls &> /dev/null &' """ self._background = True @property def is_background(self): return self._background @_makes_clone def pipe_to(self, to_cmd): """ Pipe this command to another. :param to_cmd: Operation or Command to pipe to :returns: Operation .. seealso:: .. seealso:: :: >>> 'ls | grep' """ self._pipe_to.append(to_cmd) @_makes_clone def append_to_file(self, filename, fd=arg.STDOUT): """ Append this command's output to a file. :param filename: Filename to append to :param fd: File descriptor to redirect to file :returns: Operation .. seealso:: :: >>>'list.txt') 'ls >> list.txt' >>>'list.txt', arg.STDERR) 'ls 2>> list.txt' """ self._redirects[fd] = ('>>', filename) @_makes_clone def output_to_file(self, filename, fd=arg.STDOUT): """ Replace a file's contents with this command's output. :param filename: Filename to append to :param fd: File descriptor to redirect to file :returns: Operation .. seealso:: :: >>>'list.txt') 'ls > list.txt' >>>'list.txt', STDERR) 'ls 2> list.txt' """ self._redirects[fd] = ('>', filename) @_makes_clone def redirect(self, from_fd, to_fd): """ Redirect a command's file descriptors. :param from_fd: File descriptor to redirect from :param to_fd: File descriptor to redirect to :returns: Operation .. seealso:: :: >>>, STDOUT) 'cat 2>&1' """ self._redirects[from_fd] = ('>&', to_fd) @_makes_clone def hide_output(self, fd=arg.STDOUT): """ Redirect a command's file descriptors to /dev/null. :param fd: File descriptor to redirect to /dev/null :returns: Operation .. seealso:: :: >>> 'cat > /dev/null' >>> 'cat 2> /dev/null' """ self._redirects[fd] = ('>', '/dev/null') def __add__(self, right): """ Combine Operation with a string or another Operation :: >>> clom.echo('test') + ' > test.txt' 'echo test > test.txt' """ if isinstance(right, string_types): return str(self) + right elif isinstance(right, Operation): # TODO return NotImplemented('TODO Not sure what to do here yet') else: raise TypeError('Can not add Operation and %r' % right) def __radd__(self, left): """ Combine Operation with a string or another Operation :: >>> 'cat test.txt | ' + clom.echo 'cat test.txt | echo' """ if isinstance(left, string_types): return left + str(self) elif isinstance(left, Operation): # TODO return NotImplemented('TODO Not sure what to do here yet') else: raise TypeError('Can not add Operation and %r' % left) def _escape_arg(self, val): if isinstance(val, Command): return '"$(%s)"' % val elif isinstance(val, arg.BaseArg): return str(val) else: return str(arg.LiteralArg(val)) def _build_redirects(self, s): """ Adds any redirects to the command output. """ for fd, (dir, output) in self._redirects.items(): if dir in ('>', '>>') and fd == arg.STDOUT: fd = '' elif dir in ('<', '<<') and fd == arg.STDIN: fd = '' if isinstance(output, integer_types): s.append('%s%s%d' % (fd, dir, output)) else: s.append('%s%s' % (fd, dir)) s.append(self._escape_arg(output)) for c in self._pipe_to: s.append('|') s.append(str(c)) def _build_command(self, s): raise NotImplemented('Must implement _build_command in base class') def __str__(self): """ Build a string for the command suitable for using on the command line. """ s = [] if self._background: s.append('nohup') if self._env: s.append('env') for k, v in self._env.items(): s.append('%s=%s' % (k, arg.LiteralArg(v))) self._build_command(s) self._build_redirects(s) if self._background: s.append('&> /dev/null &') return ' '.join(s) def __repr__(self): return repr(str(self)) def _clone(self): """ Clones the state of the current operation. The state is cloned so that you can freeze the state at a certain point for re-use. :: >>> cat = >>> cat.with_args('test.txt') 'cat test.txt' >>> o = cat.with_opts(n=1) >>> o('test.txt') 'cat -n 1 test.txt' >>> o('test2.txt') 'cat -n 1 test2.txt' """ cls = self.__class__ q = cls.__new__(cls) q.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() q._redirects = self._redirects.copy() q._env = self._env.copy() return q def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return other == str(self) else: return super(self.__class__, self).__eq__(other) @_makes_clone def with_env(self, **kwargs): """ Run the operation with environmental variables. :param kwargs: dict - Environmental variables to run command with """ self._env.update(kwargs) @property
[docs] def shell(self): """ Returns a `Shell` that will allow you to execute commands on the shell. """ if not self._shell: self._shell = Shell(self) return self._shell
[docs] def as_string(self): """ :returns: str - Command suitable to pass to the command line """ return str(self)
[docs]class Command(Operation): """ A command line command. Don't use directly, instead use a clom object. :: >>> from clom import clom >>> type( <class 'clom.command.Command'> """ def __init__(self, clom, name, parent=None): Operation.__init__(self) = name self._clom = clom # Parent command self._parent = parent # Keyword options self._kwopts = {} # List options self._listopts = [] # Arguments to pass to the command line self._args = [] @_makes_clone def with_opts(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Options to call the command with. :param kwargs: A dictionary of options to pass to the command. Keys are generated as `--name value` or `-n value` depending on the length. :param args: A list of options to pass to the command. Args are only escaped, no other special processing is done. :returns: Command :: >>> clom.curl.with_opts('--basic', f=True, header='X-Test: 1') 'curl --basic --header \'X-Test: 1\' -f' """ self._listopts.extend(args) self._kwopts.update(kwargs) return self @_makes_clone def with_args(self, *args): """ Arguments to call the command with. :param args: A list of arguments to pass to the command. Arguments are by automatically escaped as a `clom.arg.LiteralArg` unless you pass in a `clom.arg.RawArg`. :returns: Command :: >>> clom.echo("don't test me") 'echo \'don\'\\\'\'t test me\'' """ self._args.extend(args) return self def __getattr__(self, name): """ Get a sub command. :: >>> clom.git.status 'git status' """ parent = self._clone() return Command(self._clom, name, parent=parent) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Get a sub command by dictionary-like key. Useful if the command has spaces or other special characters. :: >>> clom.git['status'] 'git status' """ return self.__getattr__(name) def _build_command(self, s): """ Builds the raw command parts without any redirects, pipes, etc. """ e = self._escape_arg if self._parent: s.append(str(self._parent)) self._build_action(s) for opt in self._listopts: if opt is not arg.NOTSET: s.append(e(opt)) for name, opt in sorted(self._kwopts.items()): if opt is not arg.NOTSET: if not name.startswith('-'): if len(name) == 1: name = '-%s' % name else: name = '--%s' % name s.append(str(name)) if opt is True: # Do nothing, assume they just wanted `--name` pass elif opt is False: raise ValueError('Keyword options such as %r can not have False values' % name) else: s.append(e(opt)) self._build_args(s) def _build_action(self, s): s.append(self._escape_arg( def _build_args(self, s): for val in self._args: if val is not arg.NOTSET: s.append(self._escape_arg(val)) @_makes_clone def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for `command.with_opts(**kwargs).with_args(*args)` :returns: str - Command suitable to pass to the command line """ self._kwopts.update(kwargs) self._args.extend(args) return self
[docs] def as_string(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for `command.with_opts(**kwargs).with_args(*args)` :returns: str - Command suitable to pass to the command line """ c = self._clone() c._kwopts.update(kwargs) c._args.extend(args) return str(c)
@_makes_clone def from_file(self, filename): """ Read a file's contents with this command's stdin. :param filename: The filename to read input from :returns: Command .. seealso:: :: >>>'list.txt') 'cat < list.txt' """ self._redirects[arg.STDIN] = ('<', filename) def _clone(self): q = super(Command, self)._clone() q._args = self._args[:] q._listopts = self._listopts[:] q._kwopts = self._kwopts.copy() q._pipe_to = self._pipe_to[:] return q
class BaseConjunction(Operation): operator = None def __init__(self, *commands): """ :param commands: List of Commands or Operations to combine """ Operation.__init__(self) self.commands = commands def _build_command(self, s): s.append('(') s.append((' %s ' % self.operator).join((str(c) for c in self.commands))) s.append(')') class AND(BaseConjunction): """ Combine commands together that must execute together. :param commands: List of Commands or Operations to combine :: >>> from clom import clom >>> AND(clom.echo('foo'), clom.echo('bar')) '( echo foo && echo bar )' """ operator = '&&' class OR(BaseConjunction): """ Combine commands together that must not execute together. :param commands: List of Commands or Operations to combine :: >>> from clom import clom >>> OR(clom.echo('foo'), clom.echo('bar')) '( echo foo || echo bar )' """ operator = '||' if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest from clom import clom doctest.testmod(extraglobs={'clom' : clom})